Меломан. В проект заложено 4 колонки, subwoofer, receiver и проигрыватель виниловых пластинок. Я мимолетом услышала качество звука исходящего из этой системы – вся эта техника того стоит.
Минималист. Уже состоявшийся минималист. Открытого гардероба в спальне и систем хранения, которых не видно, но они есть, ему хватит для всех его вещей.
Любит готовить. На кухне продумано место для всего необходимого, включая китайский wok, узкую посудомойку и дополнительную выдвижную столешницу.
Открытая планировка Ну, максимум что получилось, потому что в панельных домах с перепланировками сложнее. Во всей квартире всего одна дверь. Это стеклянная матовая дверь в туалет. Душ – проходной.
Фотографии В зале и на балконе использованы работы талантливого ташкентского фотографа Ильдара Садыкова.
Всё это в 52 квадратах вторичного жилья в центре Ташкента.
I am working on the 3rd project this month where garment storage is torturing me simply because there is not much physical space where you can have an open or closed storage without making a place suffocate for air. The thought of downsizing has been running through my head until I got to an underlying issue – people owning and storing things they are not really using.
One apartment I am working on is a rental property where first I was opting for an open storage until we agreed with a client that we would move some walls and create a small walk-in garment closet. However, if you think about it, if you are renting, shouldn’t you be as light as air?
I admit, I am guilty of this myself partly because in the past I used to work in the office and I still have my business clothes (something needs to be done with those), partly because my clothes last me ages. My philosophy for this summer has been to limit what I wear to a few things leaving 2 boxes of summer clothes peacefully resting in my parents’ garage.
“A Practical Guide to Owning Fewer Clothes” is a post on living a minimalist lifestyle with fewer clothes, which will decrease your needs in a storage space making your living space wider, lighter and airier. The only thing I would add as item 11 is “Be in a good shape” because once you have a toned and beautiful body chances are anything will look good on you.
On items 6,7 and 9 from the article – in my humble opinion, love for shopping or its obsessive form shopaholism is a search for a joy that’s missing in life. People think they will buy a new something and that something will buy them happiness. Maybe for a few days but then they go back to the same state of “something is missing”. So, it is not the physical things that need to be bought, it is something within that probably needs to be discovered and filled.